Kate Dreston

Kate has been writing devotionals for twenty years and is the author of In Times Like These: 30 Mini-Devotionals for Those With a Loved One Facing Terminal Illness.

Kate Dreston Ministries publishes “Kate’s Mini Devotionals,” a weekly devotional blog (https://KateDreston.Substack.com),
and “Kate’s Devotional Podcast"(https://katedreston.substack.com/podcast).
She can be found on major social media sites and wherever you listen to your favorite podcast.

She has written for various Christian ministries providing simple Bible-based hope and encouragement to her readers.

Her love for the Lord drives her passion to obey her calling to write. She draws from her own life struggles and writes to the average Christian who is trying to live a life pleasing to the Lord.

She has been active in encouraging other authors to achieve their writing goals. She enjoys beta-reading manuscripts and providing helpful feedback.

She is an avid dog-lover who likes to read and spend time with her family.